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Turn on Christian cable television programs, and you constantly hear, "Pray for Ukraine." Listen to almost any Christian radio broadcast, and you constantly hear, "Pray for Ukraine." Attend almost any evangelical church, and you will hear the

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

Dear Readers, you might be tired of "doom and gloom," but the life of the planet is threatened by the continuing conflict in Ukraine, and no one else is addressing the dangerous situation.

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Sovren Media

The Biden administration passes a $40 Billion dollar aid package for Ukraine. Buried within that spending bill are an additional $50 million dollars appropriated for for the Department of Defense for "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation." Wh

Article Image by Caitlin J

NATO has doubled down on its determination to eventually add Ukraine to its membership, renewing its 2008 commitment to that goal in a meeting between the foreign ministers of the alliance in Bucharest, Romania this past Tuesday.

Article Image by Douglas Macgregor

United States and worldwide Geopolitics analysis. Russia Ukraine conflict latest news update with Colonel Douglas Macgregor. Interview with Andrew Napolitano. Recorded the day before.

Article Image by Isabelle Khurshudyan

A war that began with Russian tanks rolling across Ukraine's borders, World War I-style trenches carved into the earth and Soviet-made artillery pounding the landscape now has a more modern dimension: soldiers observing the battlefield on a small s

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Russell Brand -

Jeffrey Sachs appeared on live show on Rumble, where he extensively explains the conflict in Ukraine and what the west has done to make the situation worst pre 2022
