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Food And Drug Administration / F.D.A

Article Image By Bill Sardi

According to news sources at least one COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine may be licensed by the Food and Drug Administration before the November 2020 election.

Article Image by Del Bigtree

With an influx of companies attempting to capitalize on the Covid-19 crisis, the US Food and Drug Administration has discovered toxic hand sanitizer on American shelves. With the Mexican manufacturer refusing to pull it, the agency is now publicly wa

Article Image, The HighWire with Del Bigtree

#Hydroxychloroquine studies conducted by Oxford and the WHO produced an astounding mortality rate 34 times that of other recent studies.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

About a month after Bill Gates criticized President Trump's decision to suspend funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), the federal government has just halted a Seattle-based COVID-19 testing program backed by Gates.

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The HighWire does a deep dive into Anthony Fauci's NIH-Funded study of Remdesivir, the new Covid treatment darling approved by the FDA today, and uncovered some shocking discoveries.

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FDA/FTC attacks/confirmations have nearly doubled for a wide range of natural and alternative remedies. Threats are also being made against companies "routing and transmitting". How long before web hosting, ISP and Internet backbone company threa

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Swatek
Article Image, James Bovard

The Food and Drug Administration helped turn the coronavirus from a deadly peril into a national catastrophe. Long after foreign nations had been ravaged and many cases had been detected in America, the FDA continued blocking private testing.

Article Image, by James Bovard

The Food and Drug Administration helped turn the coronavirus from a deadly peril into a national catastrophe. Long after foreign nations had been ravaged and many cases had been detected in America, the FDA continued blocking private testing.

Article Image

Canadian Health & Care Mail

The President said, in particular: 'it is shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results', 'for me it is even more important than a vaccine'. He claimed that this is 'beyond right to try', as trying to use some medicines
