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Business/ Commerce

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Article Image, Tyler Durden

Just minutes after rumors of Axel Springer Verlag's interest in buying The Financial Times were flatly denied, Marketwatch reports that Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei said Thursday that it is buying Financial Times from U.K. publishing group Pea

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AshleyMadison, a website that helps individuals hook up for affairs, has been hacked. The site claims to serve over 37.5 million users, and the hackers responsible say that the stolen data includes customer information including real names and addres

Article Image, Maya Kosoff

Last month, the California Labor Commission made a ruling against Uber that could have big implications for the $50 billion ride-hailing company.

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When Pope Francis used his bully pulpit to speak out about climate change, conservative global warming deniers were quick to dismiss him. U.S. Sen. James Inhofe said, "The pope ought to stay with his job, and we'll stay with ours."

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Des Moines doesn't have a reputation for being particularly hip … or space-constrained. In this city of a bit more than 200,000 people, you can buy a three-bedroom house for less than $150,000 and find yourself a short drive from acres of rolling
