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Business/ Commerce

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Recent rumours that suggest Apple may be working on an electric car have inspired the website carwow to produce some concept images of what the vehicle may look like.

Article Image, Hybrid Air Vehicles Airlander

Why Hybrid Air Vehicles created the Airlander, the world's largest, innovative, green, game-changing aircraft.

Article Image Joel Hruska

"The ability to modify a vehicle you've purchased is, in many ways, a fundamental part of America's car culture " and, to some extent, embedded in our culture, period. From the Fast & Furious saga to Han Solo's "She may not look like much,

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Wagner
Article Image, by Oliver Lane

A Dutch-German 'Sharia compliant' sex aid company is to establish a shop in Mecca, the Saudi Arabian city considered holy in Islam as it is believed to be the birth place of Mohammed.

Article Image, by Bill Merritt

Last weekend my wife was seized by an unwholesome enthusiasm for tiny houses. She'd read they were featured at something called a Better Living Show and wanted to go.

Article Image


Last September, we spied a prototype of Virtue Cycles' Pedalist electric-assist velomobile at Interbike in Las Vegas. Now, the San Diego-based company has turned to Kickstarter to fund production of the vehicle, plus it's provided a little more in th