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Business/ Commerce

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By now it should be clear to all that the only reason why Germany has been so steadfast in its negotiating stance with Greece is because it knows very well that if it concedes to a public debt reduction (as opposed to haircut on debt held mostly by p

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Alex Jones looks at the trending slump in McDonalds sales and how the franchise hopes to revive their sub-food business model with their LeBron James led casino gulag styled Monopoly Game.

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Gazprom has confirmed the suspension of gas supplies to Ukraine from 10:00am MSK on July 1. Russia's gas monopoly will not supply gas to Kiev without prepayment, no matter what price, said company CEO Aleksey Miller on Wednesday.

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Sue Reninger, a managing partner at a firm specializing in food marketing from Columbus Ohio, believes that people are willing to pay more for their groceries because, "Kroger shoppers are considered smart, savvy [while] Walmart shoppers are regard

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Ever wonder why the biggest market for pick-up trucks (that's us, the U.S.) has so few trucks available?

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Ever wonder why the biggest market for pick-up trucks (that's us, the U.S.) has so few trucks available?