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Cyberspace and the New Economy

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A primer on Bitcoin's latest advance...Even after crashing last week, Bitcoin is still valuable as hell. But, like, why? The question of what Bitcoin is actually good for is becoming more urgent as its price, and the stakes, keep rising. If the answe

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The Organic Prepper - Cat Ellis

How savvy are you about cybersecurity? Technology is ever-changing, and that alone can make it overwhelming. If you have put off learning how to protect your computer, however, I urge you change that ASAP. Preppers get a lot of information and produc

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From a reader of Freedom's Phoenix: I have been banned from posting to r/bitcoin for daring to question the changes made in segwit and lightning, along with Roger Ver and many others. Anyway, thought I would share.

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Dollar hegemony as the world reserve currency is unwinding and coming to an end. While major monetary changes are ahead, the direction that things will go is still far from certain. We know that government and central banks want to get rid of cash be

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Every successful new technology undergoes a Cambrian Era-style explosion of growth in which we try to use it for everything. Email, search, social networking--each passed through its "this will solve all our problems!" phase before we figured ou
