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Cyberspace and the New Economy

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The Political Commentator

It's Friday, do you know where your credit card informations is? "It's one of the largest incidents of data theft in U.S. history. Leading credit card companies Visa and Mastercard are reporting that as many as ten million users may have been aff

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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It was just the other day that I noted the massive money printing that has been going on by central banks around the globe: The Federal Reserve, of course, but also the Bank of Japan, the People’s Bank of China, the Bank of England, the European Cent

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Whereas other schools rely primarily on idealized mathematical models of the economy, and suggest ways the government can make the world conform, Austrian theory is more realistic and thus more socially scientific.

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What will happen if the government shuts down the internet? A common concern amongst freedom loving individuals is how we will communicate in the future, especially if the dystopian internet kill switch is activated.

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The main reason modern tyrants want a cashless economy is so all wealth and commerce can be monitored and controlled. In contrast, cash makes it easy for people to trade unseen and uncontrolled by the state

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The mainstream media would have you believe that piracy is a low brow deed only committed by teeny boppers, script kiddies, and college kids. The MPAA and RIAA refers to pirates as "thieves." The US government has drawn conclusions that link piracy t

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Voluntero is about crowd sourcing heroics. You don’t have to wield a shotgun to participate. You don’t even have to swing a fist. Sometimes it only takes a camera, or a set of high beams, or a shout to make the cockroaches scatter and civilization to

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So there are these Dime Cards that you can buy now at Don’t Tread on Meme. These guys use the government’s own junk silver and package it with their own brands. It’s awesome cool!

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Auditing the Fed and Ending the Fed are all wonderful ideas whose time has come. We are taking it to the next level and simply ignoring the Fed by instilling in the culture the alternatives available to us now...

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Many people in favor of sound money are making a claim that ought to be refuted. I believed myself for quite some time that the U.S. Constitution prohibits the states from accepting anything but silver and gold as legal tender or for paying taxes.

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It coined the word "Googlezon" from a future merger of Google and Amazon to form the Google grid, and speaks of news wars with the Times becoming a print only paper for the elite culminating in EPIC Evolving Personalised Information Construct

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Our founders never advocated being isolationists; they just advocated minding our own business, to be strong militarily in case we are attacked and never to engage ourselves in the affairs of other nations.

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One of the many basic natural laws of economics is that as the supply of any commodity increases the value of each individual unit of that commodity decreases. Money is nothing more than a very specialized commodity that is universally accepted in t

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In the upcoming film, Silver Circle, an underground rebellion goes toe-toe with the Federal Reserve and its latest central planning monstrosity, the Department of Housing Stability. The key arrow in the rebels’ quiver is an alternative silver currenc

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Computers are an essential activist tool for creative ideas and communications.  Used to access the Internet, they allow fairly unfettered access to the planet.  Used to edit audio,  images and video and broadcast the result to the planet, they have

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Currencies have evolved over time out of a necessity as a result of commerce. When people produced items that were bulky or may have had a limited shelf life, they would trade them for things that were easy to carry and kept well or remained durable.

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Drew Phillips and Ross Edwards have been active in making and marketing silver dime cards, making videos, and traveling to conferences (most recently, Liberty Forum in NH) to market the idea of using the dime cards as an example of a way to use this

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Many believers in sound money are fond of coins and other traditional forms of precious metal bullion. They reminisce about a time when people carried their silver dollars in a coin purse tied to their belts.