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American History

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Article Image, Shem Horne

"These men ran through the fires of hell moved by a force no weapon could destroy: the fierce patriotism of a free, proud, and sovereign people. They battled not for control and domination, but for liberty, democracy, and self-rule."

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If the New England states, and Central States had been willing to make the further compromise, that slaves sold into the western territories would be legally converted to indentured servants under a legal arrangement for the western territories, and

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Jacob Hornberger - FFF

At the risk of being trite, it would be safe to say that America is at a crossroads. The question naturally arises: Which way forward? The answer seems obvious.

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Paul Craig Roberts

I attended a classic car show recently and realized why my generation was so happy compared to the current ones. Cars in those days were beautiful and the muscle car element had glorious sounds.

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International Man - Jeff Thomas

the US is the world's undisputed leading empire and most Americans would agree that, whilst it's going through a bad patch, it will bounce back and might even be better than ever. Not so, I'm afraid. All empires follow the same cycle.

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1770 British explorer Captain James Cook first sights Australia. Writes in his log book that "what we have as yet seen of this land appears rather low, and not very hilly, the face of the Country green and Woody, but the Sea shore is all a white Sa

Article Image, By Edward Curtin

Here's a film about the 1950s - "The World As It Was- that will tell you a great deal about life in the U.S.A. today, while disabusing anyone of the notion that nostalgia for that mephitic decade is in order, for it was a time when "dem

Article Image, by James Bovard

Last August, 12-year-old Jaiden Rodriguez was kicked out of a public-school classroom in Colorado Springs after school officials decreed that the Gadsden flag patch on his backpack was "disruptive to the classroom environment."