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Free Patriot Press

On Friday May 13, two people announced their intentions to run for President. Jason Gatties announced that he will seek the nomination of the Boston Tea Party, "I want to ensure the BTP members have a true liberty minded candidate to consider for th

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Reality Report | Angie Ress breaks down the top stories this week, including: J. P. Morgan Chase investing in companies that support genocide, a North Carolina school district promoting vaccines by giving away prize incentives, Mozilla standing up to

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Reality Report | Osama is dead does that mean we get our rights back? Riot Police break up a otherwise mild annual block party. Many rally around Al-Arab Gaddafi death from a NATO air strike. Google and Apple are careless with your entire location

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By going on national TV from the White House, Obama portrayed himself as a voice of reason amid a loud, lingering debate on his birth status. Though his personal attention to the issue elevated it as never before, Obama said to Republican detractors

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Ed Griffin discusses how the Establishment creates the illusion of choice (“Left” VS “Right”) to trick voters into “endorsing” their predatory system. In short: When we vote for Establishment-endorsed candidates ("Left" or "Right"), we lose.

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Here are two Obama birth announcements. The first is supposed to be the genuine thing. Notice the dotted line on both sides of the original on the top and bottom edges of the Obama announcement box going horizontally all the way across the page - an

Article Image | | A new breed of terrorist is revealed in 89th edition of the Reality Report. Angie reports on Iceland’s rejection of banker bailouts, John Boehner's next budget war, the latest from Libya and Radiation foun

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I’ve written a lot of articles about the LACK of transparency in the Obama regime. In fact, I wrote one a couple of weeks ago talking about how Obama canceled his little award getting ceremony which was planned for March 16 (National Freedom of Info

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We just wrote about this hearing from the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee looking into the Department of Energy not only receiving stimulus money and over inflating programs to make small things like weatherization balloon bigger than the Mich

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Rep. Issa has been a busy boy lately, as is his style, first on the investigation we discussed in our first article today – the investigation into the BATFE, and now, the TSA. When you watch this video, one thing that is refreshing about the appro

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Appearing on the Roger Hedgecock show lately, Darrell Issa talks about going after BATFE about the guns being purchased in the United States and being moved into Mexico, then being used back against our own Border Patrol agents. These are guns pur

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A report from the National Center for Public Policy Research finds that if the EPA enacts their regulations regarding Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases, it will virtually send the oh-so-minor 'recovery' of America's economy right down the toilet

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According to the Oversight and Reform Committee, the Government Accountability Office, the official investigative arm of the Congress released a report on the carbon offset market and its readiness for cap and trade. Apparently, it didn’t go so we