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IPFS News Link • Politics

The (2012 Presidential) Race Is On

• Free Patriot Press
On Friday May 13, two people announced their intentions to run for President. Jason Gatties announced that he will seek the nomination of the Boston Tea Party, "I want to ensure the BTP members have a true liberty minded candidate to consider for the nomination when we all come together and vote in December."[BTP] Though Ron Paul's announcement that he will seek the Republican Presidential nomination garnered much more media atention. Paul said “Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I’ve been saying for 30 years the time is right.” When asked why he would not run as an independent candidate Paul said, “Running as an Independent here is just about impossible unless you’re a billionaire like Ross Perot. You don’t get on debates. If I was an independent George, you would not have me on this program (Good Morning America) this morning.” He continued by saying that he is a Republican and has been “all these years” except for 1 year and that he wi
