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Bachmann raises $2.2 million in 3 months, outpaces Mitt Romney

• Sahil Kapur via The Raw Story

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has been flirting with a 2012 presidential bid, and although few are taking her candidacy seriously, her fundraising figures are enough to give other hopefuls pause.

The tea party darling raised $2.2 million in the first quarter of 2011, according to her newly released Federal Election Commission filings. Of that total, $1.7 million came from her congressional committee, and $500,000 from her political action committee, according to a breakdown by the Star Tribune.

She outpaced even former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who's noted for his fundraising strengths and is viewed by many as the 2012 Republican frontrunner. He raked in $1.9 million in the first three months of this year.

Bachmann spend over half a million dollars raising all that money, as well as $5,000 on speech-writing consulting. More than half of her total, $1.2 million, came from at least 6,000 donors who gave less than $200. She received only one PAC donation, of $1,000, from TCF Bank.