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General Opinion

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Goldman Sachs 666

Corruption Behind Wall Street Compensation- Ratigan on Goldman Sachs: "Legalized Theft" Goldman Sachs: Pay Inequality Good !

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Wall St 24/7

Its fiscal year coming to an end, Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) is about to post record annual profits less than a year after the peak of the credit crisis. It is as if almost nothing had happened. The bank’s trading desks and fixed income operations were

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Young Americans for Liberty (HT Liberty Pulse)

Chad Swarthout of GWU Liberty Society gets Michael Moore to admit that we do not live in a capitalist society today. Wish he would have included that in the movie! Now Americans who have no understanding of a true free- market economy are lead to thi

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Economic Policy Journal

There are rumors on the internet about week long bank closings. One rumor has Wells Fargo bank closing for a week, beginning October 25, supposedly to merge their computers with those of their acquisition Wachovia.

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The Business Insider

In a gross expression of the state of the economy, corpses of indigent and unclaimed bodies are piling up in morgues across the US, as some states and counties are running out of money to bury them.

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The New Media Journal

The Diversity Czar of the Federal Communications Commission, Mark Lloyd, believes in racial exceptionalism. It is not enough to provide equal opportunity and a level playing field, Mr. Lloyd desires minority supremacy and the control of the media by

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Q: Why are many coin banks shaped like pigs? A: Long ago, dishes and cookware in Europe were made of a dense orange clay called 'pygg'. When people saved coins in jars made of this clay, the jars became known as 'pygg banks.

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Rand Paul Report (HT Liberty Pulse)

“Global warming is the most important issue facing our country right now,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in front of a packed crowd at Memorial Coliseum. I take issue with that statement. I’m not here to get into a debate on global warming, but would

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NY Post

New York City to smokers: Butt out of our parks. Health Commissioner Thomas Farley announced yesterday he wants to ban smoking in public parks and city beaches as part of a plan to make New Yorkers healthier

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Ask Men

There is a tendency to regard high stakes espionage as a man’s domain, but history repudiates this myopic view -- in spades. In fact, for centuries women have served their allegiances with as much distinction, bravery and awe-inspiring efficacy as th

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American Thinker

Jytte Klausen, a Danish professor of political science at Brandeis University, submitted her manuscript, "The Cartoons that Shook the World" to Yale University Press. The publications committee there unanimously and enthusiastically recommended it fo

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This is the pact. In each country it varies; citizens hand over different freedoms in accordance with their own customs and priorities. Cultures and circumstances may vary; systems can be radically different. We have all colluded; in the West we have colluded most. Unlike Russia, unlike China, we had the choice to demand more of our governments, to rebalance the relationship between state and individual, but for as long as the consumerist going was good we chose not to exercise it.

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Migrant Mexican farm workers in Manitoba – the first in Canada to join a union – have now voted to decertify. The farm employees have decided they would rather not be part of the United Food and Commercial Workers union because they can make more money working longer hours, without mandatory overtime pay, which they say caused employers to cut back on their hours. Heladio Martinez-Perez is a foreman at a farm west of Winnipeg. He said under the collective agreement the workers negotiated two years ago, they could not work more than 70 hours weekly. "Today, we're gonna start at 6 o'clock and maybe finish at 8. That is a big difference, the union and not the union. We don't need overtime or $1 extra per hour when we can make more hours. That is a good thing for everybody."

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 "This has been directly due to the complicit actions of the totally corrupt Supreme Court and the cowardly Congress that have both colluded with the now criminal administrative branch to steal this nation from the people; the same people, that were supposedly the only reason for their existence as government officials in the first place."

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Today, June 17th, is a bittersweet day for me. My late husband, Harry Browne, was born on this day. To commemorate his birth each year of our marriage, I spent a great deal of time and effort planning a day full of special surprises. Consequently, it was always a happy day.

Harry has been gone for more than three years now. I miss him more than words can express.

I know many reading this Downsizer-Dispatch miss him too.

In these troubling times, we all miss Harry's voice.

* Harry understood Austrian economic theory and the business cycle.

* He also specialized in understanding the damage that Big Government does to our economy -- especially when the politicians try to "fix" it.

We wish we could directly access his wisdom right now, whether it was in his clear, persuasive columns, or his warm, convincing monologues on air.

I am pleased that there are voices that continue to carry forth Harry's
