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Anonymous (Group)

The internet activist group Anonymous planned on raiding the official website of the Vatican Sunday May 23 with a quote "/b/lackup" (/b/ being the symbol for random on *chan image boards) on May 25. Whether this plan has gone through is still being

Written By:

Money is power.  Each of us has it to varying degrees.  Our challenge is to use our spending to advance worthy goals.  Right now we see economic power being used against the state of Arizona because of

Letters to the Editor • Global
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We interview author Kenneth W. Royce aka "Boston T. Party" about a sister Free State Project in Wyoming. Boston explains the differences between the New Hampshire FSP and the Wyoming. We also find out what the Dirt Time event is all about.

News Link • Global Reported By Tarrin Lupo
Article Image Refuse To Bow To The Illegitimate Power Of The State

In today’s socio-political climate, in the same way that a responsible parent teaches a child not to take candy from strangers and the difference between ‘good touch’ and ‘bad touch’, parents must also teach children how to resist interrogation.

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Millions of people from countries across the world have begun to wake up to the very real threat of repressive and engineered Globalism, or what the financial elite and the politicians who work for them often refer to as “The New World Order”. The mo

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Capitol Media Services

Relatives of Iraqi war dead can’t sue a Flagstaff anti-war activist for using their dead soldiers’ names on a T-shirt, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. District Court Judge Ronnie Greer this week threw out a $40 billion claim filed against Dan Fraz

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians for Freedom

With only a few weeks left until the Republican primary, the Kokesh campaign is gearing up and getting ready for their get out the vote efforts to mobilize supporters and get Adam Kokesh elected. They are inviting volunteers to travel to Santa Fe...

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CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down

Summer is here, and it's time to turn up the heat on American Traffic Solutions.

Automated ticketing and warrantless mass-surveillance of the population is unacceptable in a true, free society. ATS has a long track record of ignoring the ve

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down

Please join other activists for a demonstration Thursday to show the CEOs of Redflex and Taser some LOVE as they arrive at a Phoenix Business Journal event honoring them.

WHEN: Thursday, May 6th @ 4:30 PM


News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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This past weekend rallies were held across the country protesting Arizona's new immigration law. So what does that mean for you? A new batch of protest signs, of course! Enjoy.
