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This article by Linda Hunnicutt is a scam that she has already taken about 70 families for a ride on.  She does not own the property and does not have financing to pay off a $500,000+ balloon note in Sept.  She has lied all the way on this

Letters to the Editor • Global
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We interview attorney Evan Nappen about how to handle police encounters and about his Magic Card. We as see a real life example in action.

News Link • Global Reported By Tarrin Lupo
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CameraFRAUD Meetup

Mark your calendars now: The Phoenix Business Journal is holding an awards ceremony, touting Redflex's Karen Finley and leaders of electro-torture device manufacturer TASER Int'l as admired CEOs! Let's show them some LOVE instead of admiration,

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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Not happy that the Tea party movement was Co-opted by Statists and NeoCons a competing Tea party was held at the same time at Armstrong College in Savannah Ga. Is this a new tread to steer the Tea Party message back on course. Check out the REAL tea

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Mondo Frazier

The old Vietnam War protesters yelled a lot of things, but “Don’t trust anyone over 30″ and “The Man is keeping me down” were two of the more popular. Now, those aging hippies are now over 30, in charge of the government, and are socking it to

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A document fished out of a California state university trash bin last week has prompted a state investigation into the university's foundation arm and its refusal to disclose details related to Sarah Palin's upcoming speech at the school.

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Human Events

The Tea Party Express buses rolled out of Nevada after packing thousands into venues in Searchlight and Henderson and were greeted by a much smaller, but equally enthusiastic group of Arizona tea partiers. A fired up Joe the Plumber and former Rep

News Link • Global Reported By Anonymous Watchman

Charles Gillespie

This video shows how leadership is created. Not just by some shirtless nut, but by the 'first follower' who shows / teaches others how to follow. Remember the slogan: "We're only in it for the money" and how that foreshadows reason with logic.

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Ed Vallejo Productions! LOL

Phoenix Libertarian Activists travel to Searchlight, Nevada to join with Nevada Libertarians at the kickoff of the "Tea Party Express III".
