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IPFS News Link • Activism

Westboro Baptist: Coal Miners in Hell, God Hates WV

• Mondo Frazier
Six Members of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church stopped in Wheeling, WV and made the rounds to many of the city’s Catholic churches. They said God hated American soldiers, dead coal miners, WV, fags, Jews and assorted others. [16 pix]

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

1.  I would hate to see poor Jesse Jackson standing in between a camera and these aholes. ... OK, I would like to see Jsse .... ;-)

2.  I would think bereaved coal miners could take care of them with or without police protection.  But then I figured the Marine Corps could as well.  Free speech isn't without its risks.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

These scumbags need to understand the 1st Amendment protects their speech ONLY from Govt. censorship and interference - not from private censorship and interference.