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IPFS News Link • Activism

Announcing FREEDOM FRIDAYS Demonstrations

• CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down
Summer is here, and it's time to turn up the heat on American Traffic Solutions.

Automated ticketing and warrantless mass-surveillance of the population is unacceptable in a true, free society. ATS has a long track record of ignoring the very laws they pretend to enforce, as well as using automatic license plate recognition to track motorists' whereabouts.

Lets make it clear to ATS CEO James Tuton that when we said that the Cameras are Coming Down, we meant all automated ticketing machines, not just those on the freeways.

City-based photo vans present an even more insidious threat to drivers than other methods: many times, the vans are stationed deliberately in 35MPh or less zones as to avoid the warning sign requirements.

Cities are asleep at the wheel when it comes to the deployment of these revenue generators. It's time to make it clear to them as well that the people are STILL mad and are not going to take it anymore.

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