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Free Speech

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Ayn R Key

One of the most difficult challenges people face in convincing people that the United States is far from free is that, for the most part, people still have a considerable amount of the right to free speech as allegedly protected by the first amendmen

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Clay Barham

The mind and mouth of the slave are two things that a dictator can never be sure of from anyone they rule. Fear is their only weapon of choice. Fear of retribution, once thought is discovered, is the only way to keep the mind and mouth in check.

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(From the oh-for-God's-sake dept) Four Utah teenagers have been cited for disorderly conduct after they rapped their order at a McDonald's drive-through. The teens say they were imitating a popular video on YouTube. They rapped their order, which

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The Examiner HT Liberty Pulse

The American Civil Liberties Union has its share of critics, but one wouldn’t assume those critics would come from within the organization. Unfortunately for the ACLU, Wendy Kaminer’s insider account details the organization’s internal suppression of

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Mission Network

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a controversial Hate Crimes Bill late last week in a 281-146 vote, with 131 Republicans and 15 Democrats objecting to the measure. The legislation adds sexual orientation to the list of groups under the prot

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Strike The Root / Tzo

You can have a government, or you can have inalienable rights. Choose one, but then please, do not complain that you do not have the other.

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Outraged that the federal government placed a gag order on healthcare companies concerning cuts in Medicare, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the floor of the Senate to condemn this muzzling of free speech and to demand that the gag ord