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Free Speech

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DissentFromDayOne's YouTube description: This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at Rep. Jim Moran's (D-VA) Town Hall meeting on Obama Deathcare held at South Lakes High School in Reston, VA. Many people were left outside when the school filled to capacity. School security officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. did not like my anti-Obamacare poster which used one of the gone-viral "Joker" graphics. When I said to Officer Cheeks, "This used to be America!" his response was: "It ain't no more, OK?"

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  Lori Smith's claim about my post on key loggers being a rumor is based on who was Outed over a year ago. It is a website written by a Liberal husband and wife in San Francisco. Who have also said that Obama is a citizen, the NAU is also just a rumor along with many other inaccuracies. Lori needs to get her facts right before she puts foot in mouth.

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The Examiner

Motors. That column was nixed, Stein said. Stein also criticized investment banking firm Goldman Sachs, which Stein called "the real power in this country." Those columns did run. But Stein was recently cut back to one column a month and then was fired for doing some TV commercials for FreeScore. The commercial offered people a week of free access to their credit scores and then required them to pay for further such access

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For the most part, hate-crime legislation is just a sop for politically influential interest groups -- yet another area in which liberals, traditionally sensitive to civil liberties issues, have chosen to mollify an entire population at the expense of the individual and endorse discredited reasoning about deterrence.

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Yvonne Wingett -Arizona Republic

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is bringing a representative from the Southern Poverty Law Center to help raise awareness about the presence of the state's hate groups, the Nativist movement and White-supremacist organizations.

The Montgomery, Ala.-based non-profit organization identifies, monitors and investigates hate activity across the United States.

According to the center, the number of hate groups nationwide has risen 54 percent since 2000, fueled by opposition to non-White immigration, the economic recession and the election of the nation's first black president. the center's director of research, will meet with law-enforcement officials and the media Aug. 12-14.

The mayor also is planning some type of public forum to discuss hate groups, especially anti-immigration extremists.

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Project World Awreness

In the world of Obama there cannot be any dissent or criticism and any attempts to impugn the Obama plans for “change” must be demolished. So if negativity comes from the internet, then of course the blogosphere must be added to litany of government control and censorship...more

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Big Hollywodd

I find it incredible in America that a regulatory agency thinks it has jurisdiction to probe an independent business. Oh, but I forget about Chrysler, GM, and our banking system. Foolish me. What the Federal Communications Commission is doing is outlandish and smacks of tyranny in the making....