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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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NBC News needed a safe space after I triggered them on Twitter by calling them fake news, so they blocked me. My awesome fans (that's you!) flooded them with a bunch of tweets, cuz you guys are awesome. Here's what happened.

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Megyn Kelly launched her new magazine at NBC Sunday, and the stakes couldn't have been much higher for either. Kelly, now among the highest paid personalities on network news (nearly $20 million per year), left Fox News for the network earlier this

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CNN host Reza Aslan has a profanity problem. 'Believer' host flipped out on President Trump over the weekend, and has a long history of using fowl language and bullying people on Twitter. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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Kathy Griffin beheads Trump. The CNN host posted a video depicting her holding President Trump's head, in a shocking stunt. So far, CNN hasn't said if they will fire her or not, only that they are "evaluating" what to do and "at this point haven't ma

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CNN is a joke. Literally. Conan O'Brien, Joel McHale, Larry Wilmore, and even Barack Obama tell the truth about CNN in comedy. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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Years ago James Jesus Angleton left me with the impression that when an intelligence agency, such as the CIA, pulls off an assassination, bombing, or any event with which the agency does not wish to be associated, the agency uses the media to control