IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Neocon Susan Rice's NYT Op-Ed

Neocon Susan Rice's NYT Op-Ed

by Stephen Lendman

Along with its own deplorable editors, correspondents and columnists, The Times features contributors no responsible publications would touch.

Former Obama administration UN envoy/national security advisor Susan Rice was featured, a despicable character South African journalist Getahune Bekele once called a "consummate ally of grubby despots."

Her style matched Hillary Clinton, deploring peace, nonviolence, diplomacy and social justice. Her outbursts reflected bullying, bluster and arrogance.

She proved herself a monument to wrong over right, disgracing positions she held, abrasively making more enemies than friends.

She backed US imperial wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, blaming their leaders for US high crimes.

She advocated "no daylight" between US and Israeli policy, fundamentally against Palestinian rights, hostile to Iran. She endorsed permanent US imperial wars against independent countries.

She's currently affiliated with various front organizations for reckless US establishment policies.

In April, Bloomberg News reported learning about spying on Trump and his team from White House lawyers, saying "former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of US persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to US officials familiar with the matter."

Rice failed to respond to a Bloomberg email, seeking her comments on the matter.

Weeks earlier on the PBS News Hour, she lied, saying "I know nothing about this." Responsible for what happened, she knows plenty.

Her Times op-ed bashed Trump for the wrong reasons, saying "(w)ith shocking speed, he has wreaked havoc: hobbling our core alliances, jettisoning American values and abdicating United States leadership of the world." 

"That's a whole lot of winning - for Russia and China," she ranted, criticizing his TPP withdrawal, claiming "American values" no longer matter under his leadership.

She whined about USAID and State Department budget cuts. They fund destabilization and regime change actions.

Trump's agenda "will condemn the United States to pariah state status," she blustered, a dubious distinction it achieved long before Trump's presidency, especially during Obama's tenure, Rice contributing mightily to its rogue agenda.

She claimed Trump's less than full traditional support for NATO "thrilled" Vladimir Putin, "damag(ing) the strength and unity of the Western world."

The alliance is a force for evil, not good. It should have been abandoned after Soviet Russia dissolved. Instead it expanding, encroaching menacingly near its borders.

"And now the president has pulled the United States out of the Paris climate agreement," she roared. 

Environmental groups called the deal a "sham," falling way short of what adherents claim. Meaningful results weren't achieved, despite hype claiming otherwise.

Trump damaged Washington's "global standing," Rice blustered, ludicrously claiming most Americans surely still see the benefits of the United States being the strongest, most trusted and respected country in the world."

Reality is polar opposite. America and Israel are the world's most reviled nations for good reason.

Barely short of calling for Trump's removal, Rice said "we must remain steadfast until, once again, we have a president willing to lead in accordance with American interests, traditions and values."

US "interests, traditions and values" are responsible for ongoing wars on humanity at home and abroad - Trump continuing what he predecessors began.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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