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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

Ex-CNN Reporter "Haunted" After Learning She Had Dinner with "Closeted" and Succ

• By Cullen Linebarger

A former CNN "reporter" is getting torched online for revealing her disgust after discovering she had dinner with some closeted and highly successful supporters of President Trump.

50-year-old Michelle Kosinski, who served as CNN's White House Correspondent until 2020, took to X/Twitter on Sunday detailing a dinner she had with some American couples a few weeks back. She wrote they were highly educated and friendly until they revealed their "true MAGA natures."

Kosinski noted her astonishment that one of the couples attended an Ivy League school but did not want their children to go to any of the Ivies and claimed they were "weird" in explaining why. Has Kosinski not been paying attention to the pro-Hamas protests on the Ivies' college campuses and how hostile the schools are to conservatives?

Kosinski wrote she became triggered when her smart and accomplished MAGA guests mocked the idea of man-caused "climate change." As the Gateway Pundit has reported, the corporate media refuses to accept evidence that mankind may have nothing to with the warming of the planet.

One man even had the gall to defend the 45th president after Kosinski's friend tried to spread lies about him.

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