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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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Facebook, which is rapidly becoming the largest "news" agency in the world, intends to use a selected group of supposedly non-government facilities to determine what's fake or not when it comes to news dissemination on its vast 'Net site.

Article Image, Kurt Nimmo

On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we look at Donald Trump and the alt-right movement and the attempt by the establishment to portray them as dangerous fascists.

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I have not ever experienced a #fakenews onslaught as today. Every mainstream media and agency seems to have lost all inhibitions and is reporting any rumor claim regarding the liberation of east-Aleppo as fact.

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DISHONEST REPORTING, SPEAKS OUT AGAINST 'FAKE NEWS'Krystle Vermes for Western Journalism reports, Former NBC journalist Brian Williams, who admitted he "said things that weren't true" on the air, spoke out against "fake news" Wednesday

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With the US mainstream media now completely discredited and exposed for their lies, fake news and political bias, those awakened to the plans of the ruling elite need to think ahead as to how we will proceed in our daily lives with this confirmed kno

News Link • Global Reported By Bernie Suarez
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