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Guy Adams in Los Angeles

Couple arrested after woman walks into sheriff's office to identify herself. 

A woman who was kidnapped more than 18 years ago was today being re-united with her family, after escaping from a couple who apparently forced her to spend a large portion of her adolescence locked in their garden shed.

Jaycee Lee Duggard, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl of 11 when she was abducted, in broad daylight, while waiting for a school bus, surfaced on Wednesday after wandering into a parole office in a town near San Francisco.

In a case that bears chilling echoes to that of Joseph Fritzl - the Austrian electrician who kept his daughter in a cellar - police believe Ms Duggard was locked away in a darkened building for several years, and repeatedly raped by her captors.

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red Orbit

The females of the first family made the list of the 1,000 most popular baby names, says a new report, but the president did not. Michelle, the first lady's name, and those of her daughters, Sasha and Malia, appeared on the list released Wednesday by the Social Security Administration, The New York Times reports. Sasha, at 353rd, hasn't changed much in rank in the past few years. Malia jumped to 345th most popular baby name last year from 400th in 2007, while Michelle dropped from 94th to 103rd. Other names proved popular because of their association with celebrities. Hillary jumped to 715 from 961 during the last presidential campaign. Jayden skipped from 75 to 11 after Britney Spears used it. The top girls name is Emma, which has ranked in the single digits since 2002, as it did in the late 19th century when these rankings started. It displaced Emily for first place. Jacob, which replaced Michael as No. 1 in 1998 and has stayed there, is the only name to be g

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An 87-year-old Tampa woman had had it with the motherloving snakes on her motherloving porch. So when a seven-inch pygmy rattlesnake slithered up to Esther Orring's door and bit her on the hand, she got even, strangling the venomous little serpent with her bare hands. "She's a tough lady," Orring's daughter, Maria Pellicone, told WFLA. "She's a very strong person, so she will be a survivor." Orring has been hospitalized since the Monday incident, after she was administered several vials of antivenin. But the well-gripped granny is expected to make a full recovery, and Pellicone says she'll have the dead snake framed for her. video

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Video footage of UFO Lake Havasu, Arizona recorded on July 3rd, 2009 sure looks like it real to me. There is about 3 minutes of footage.  Freaky.   Is the saucer property of aliens or the government.  Probably Alien else why would it be bought to you by little know youtube user.  Or is it a hoax?    There is even a shot with a plane in the background.  were it doctored video I would say why did they add the moving plane witht the saucer at the end of the clip?

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Stop complaining about your utility bills. Jeannette Cohen's water bill jumped almost 4000 percent.

The 99-year-old northwest Washington woman insists it must be a mistake. Usually, her water bill is $30. In March, she did a double take.

"I got my usual bill and opened the envelope and looked at the amount," she said. "Huh? I looked again."

It was $1,181.

Cohen complained and had plumbers check her house twice. Usually, she uses about 3,000 gallons of water per month. D.C. Water and Sewer Authority's records show that 139,876 gallons went into her house that month, and they insist she must pay for them.

"It's just so obvious that, as the plumber said, 'You couldn't use that much water,'" she told News4's Tom Sherwood.


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Granny Feng remained stunned when she saw how her pet mysteriously grew two 4 inch-long wing-like sprouts on its back. "At first, they were just two bumps, but they started to grow quickly, and after a month there were two wings."
