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Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

It has become an article of faith that under our system of government, federal officials can declare an emergency, which then purportedly authorizes federal officials to exercise emergency powers.

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by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox

It is clear to me that we are increasingly being governed by an "Administrative State" instead of by our chosen representatives. Indeed, we are more and more becoming a "Regulation Nation" which is a true threat to our Constitutional Republic

Article Image, By James Bovard

The Founding Fathers sought to create a government that would be under the law and under the Constitution.

Article Image by James Bovard

The Founding Fathers sought to create a government that would be under the law and under the Constitution.

Article Image by James Bovard

"A good politician is almost as rare as an honest burglar," once quipped H. L. Mencken. After the shenanigans around the latest congressional pay increase, America's burglars should file a posthumous libel suit against Mencken for that disparag

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Ron Paul Institute - Andrew Napolitano

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged?

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