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Future Predictions

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Article Image by Helena Glass

The World Economic Forum is extending its reach taking over the coastline of The Netherlands in a TriCity purge. The outcome will displace the Dutch people in order to bring in immigrant slaves to build a European NEOM. The ports being sacrificed i

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Andrew Henderson - Nomad Capitalist

Andrew shares invaluable insights on leveraging the concept of second citizenship to play a pivotal role in the new world order. You can gain a deep understanding of the significance of having diverse options that unlock niche opportunities, enabling

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

Utopians never run out of pipe dreams. Whether it be "vaccine passports," or "carbon zero" or "you will own nothing, and be happy," the tyrannical ideas are always being broadcast. This is why those who cherish freedom must always be vigilant. The sc

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Jordan Peterson -

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson walks us through the goals for the newly formed Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC). The ARC hopes to find answers to the major issues facing our world, and they are now extending a hand to you to join!

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Truth Stream Media - Aaron and Melissa Dykes

As context is very important for all videos; this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources when necessary.

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