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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

Eleven signs that humanity is DOOMED and won't survive much longer on planet Earth

• by Mike Adams

This is the end game. The self-inflicted extermination of the human race.

The means by which the final extermination takes place is now becoming increasingly clear.

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter believes it will be global nuclear war. He now says that 2023 will be humanity's last year on planet Earth, and he challenges anyone to prove him wrong.

From the Deborah Armstrong channel on

"We are on the cusp of thermonuclear war," said Maj. Scott Ritter. He recalled his former mentor, General Polk, who served under President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. "You know how we avoided war during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Diplomacy. Old fashioned diplomacy. Americans talking to Russians and Russians talking to Americans."

"But today, we don't talk. Yeah, we have our intelligence heads meeting in Ankara and other places around the world, but this isn't a negotiation. We are in the midst of not just a heightening of tensions, but we lack the mechanisms to resolve these tensions. There is no diplomatic action worthy of the name between the US and Russia today."