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I looked at some conventional mattresses. What the heck is in those things, I asked. These mattresses are composed of metal coils, often plastic coated, encased in fabric and padding. As a result of their materials and manufacturing, they also contai

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Arpad Pusztai, who is considered to be one of the world's most respected and well-learned biochemists, had for three years led a team of researchers from Scotland's prestigious Rowett Research Institute (RRI) in studying the health effects of a nov

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"In this context, the government reaffirms its determination to maintain France's moratorium on GM crops" authorised for cultivation in the EU, it said. The storm was unleashed in September by researchers led by Gilles-Eric Seralini at the Univ

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The vitamin D content of eggs can be raised as high as 600 IU, according to Vanderkooi’s feed testing. There is considerable interest in vitamin D among scientists. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with some cancers, bone density disorders, mult

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But if you live in Indiana or pretty much anywhere else in the mainland U.S. right about now, you'd be able to sample a "Hoosier banana," aka the "poor man's banana," aka the "prairie banana," aka the pawpaw.

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The immunocrit recognizes piglets within a litter that have not eaten or had the chance to nurse. This provides an opportunity to save at-risk piglets by using intervention strategies.

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Barthomeuf, while not a household name, deserves to be: He invented ice cider. Industry leaders Domaine Pinnacle and Face Cachée de la Pomme both launched with him as their cider-maker, but his personal production exceeds theirs in terms of quality,

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A controversial experiment that entailed dumping 100 tonnes of iron-laden dust into the ocean off Haida Gwaii has spawned a 10,000-square-kilometre plankton bloom. While organizers in Old Massett are hailing the geoengineering trial as a success, sci

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Aside from the details of the study, a wider question remains. If Monsanto and other GMO giants are so confident in the safety of their products and have no qualms about them being in the food supply, why have they spent a combined total of over $19

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I stopped by the The NYC Compost Project table at the Maker Faire this weekend and was lucky enough to talk with to volunteer Robin Kraut, who attached an "I Heart Worms" folded paper shirt on me.

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Towards the end of the clearing phase the last couple dozen big trees lined the creek walls. I started working on a 2' diameter sweet gum with a hollow trunk. The plan was to drop it back away from the creek so it could be cut up and dragged out of

Article Image, By Hannah Edwards

If you’ve ever creeped your way through a corn maze at Halloween, you know how it can grab ahold of your imagination, turning benign stalks into monsters and discarded cobs into severed limbs.

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What startled me was to see a mature sour cherry tree with a full load of well sized cherries. I had thought that this tree could not prosper here yet is was looking at a hundred weight of cherries nicely ripened at the end of august. It is worth men

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Global demand for food is expected to double by 2050 due to population growth and increased standards of living. To meet this demand, it is often assumed we will need to expand the environmental burden of agriculture. The paper, based on analysis of

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A global survey of several studies demonstrated a severe decline of pollinators and provision of pollination services in a wide range of intensively managed temperate and tropical agroecosystems. Considering that global crop production worth 153 bi

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"There will be just enough water if the proportion of animal-based foods is limited to 5% of total calories and considerable regional water deficits can be met by a … reliable system of food trade."

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Plum Island is situated off the North East coast of Long Island in New York State. It has an area of some 830 acres. It was allocated to the US Department of Agriculture in 1954 for the establishment of a research centre to study foot and mouth dise