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What I would attempt is to use a blade to scrape the top soil aside from the underlying frozen subsoil to produce windrows on either side of the exposed surface. I would create these bands say thirty to forty feet wide while producing a windrow just

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I've been putting together some clips to use as part of an introductory aquaponics presentation we will start offering around the area. AP seems to be catching on at the DP, maybe some folks here would appreciate these:

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A new study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reports that a warmer climate has “increased access of native bark beetles to high-elevation pines that historically received only i

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What makes this 'coated cotton' so interesting is that the cotton releases the collected water by itself, as it gets warmer. This property makes of the coated cotton materials a potential solution to provide water to the desert regions, for example

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the United Steelworkers announced their collaboration with Mondragon to develop and grow manufacturing worker co-ops in the U.S. & Canada (click here to visit that announcement from the United Steelworkers Union). Had I known this announcement was c

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Imagine judicial review for protecting consumer rights and the environment going up in a puff of smoke and biotech corporations like Monsanto having complete immunity to plant whatever they want, whenever they want -- without testing.

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That would be (temporarily) great for drought-stricken farmers, who would naturally flood the government with high-priced milk, but would soon create massive shortages that would drive up the price for everyone else. Other companies that rely on milk

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The latest findings stem from an ongoing collaboration that is ultimately aimed at bringing farmers a more stable breed of the plant that has less reliance on water and is less vulnerable to climate change.

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“The issue of deforestation of Amazon is an economic issue,” says Mariana Pavan, a researcher with the Institute for Conservation and Development of the Amazonas (IDESAM), a nongovernmental organization dedicated to preserving the Amazon and promotin

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The top leaders in both parties on the House and Senate Agriculture committees have agreed to a one-year extension of the 2008 farm bill that expired in October, a move that could head off a possible doubling of milk prices next month.

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Bees are the pollinators of the vast majority of plant life. They are said to account for 80% of pollination by insects. And with populations dropping, it’s crucial that people in power take note of studies like this and take steps to remedy the decl

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Common Dreams

“The Farmers Assurance Provision” is the title of a rider, Section 733, inserted into the House of Representatives 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill

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housands of years ago, in cooler and wetter times, Bishop pine trees are thought to have proliferated along the West Coast of the U.S. and Mexico. Now, stratus clouds - the low-altitude clouds known locally as "June gloom" - help keep the trees gro

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Dr. Oz's attack on organics is not the action of a lone madman who has lost touch with reality. It's part of a coordinated P.R. campaign that has been organized against organics, Natural News has learned, and it's being run behind the scenes by on

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To ensure uniform sunlight the troughs are rotated via a hydraulic water-driven system that needs just 0.5 liters to rotate one of the 1.7 ton structures. With an emphasis on efficiency Sky Green made sure that the water was recycled, eventually bein

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