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The time capsule has been in the ground for 58 years, but it was supposed to be in place for much longer. Originally, the time capsule was supposed to stay put until 2957, and was constructed of glass in the hopes that unlike metal or wood, rust and

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Needless to say, a historian that goes against the grain of scholarly consensus has his work cut out. Yet this book reflects exactly the kind of scholarship needed to combat the beliefs by academics and theologians about the existence of Jesus. Moreo

Article Image, By Jamie Frater

Through history there have been many secret societies and conspiracy theories about those societies. This is a list of 10 of the most famous and popular secret societies or alleged secret societies.

Article Image, By Joachim Hagopian

The idiom "divide and conquer" is said to have originated with the Latin maxim "divide et impera" meaning divide and rule. Julius Caesar used it in reference to defeating the Gauls during the Gaelic War.

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The purpose of such intimidation is to create a climate of fear in which corruption and plunder go unchallenged. Inevitably in such an atmosphere, human rights violations have continued since 1965, including the 1975-1999 occupation of East Timor, wh

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Holocaust denial, the denial of the systematic genocidal killing of millions of ethnic minorities in Europe (including Jews) by Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, is illegal in 14 European nations.