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Federal Reserve

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youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog)

Fed Chair Janet Yellen testifies before the Senate and House this week. The US central bank is doing a great job, she told them. Dr. Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams break it down, with special guest (and former Congressional colleague) Paul-Martin Fo

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Foreigners and the Fed hold large percentages of US. Treasury Bonds. What happens when foreigners reduce their need for U.S. dollars and the Fed ends QE?

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With the world's oldest central bank - Sweden's Riksbank - taking the plunge into negative rates, there have been 19 'eases' by central banks this year, Morgan Stanley warns of "ghosts of the 1930s."

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Reason Magazine

Some bad news for people in Somalia who rely on monetary remittances from America--and that's a lot of people: Merchants Bank of California is expected to close the accounts of all Somali-American money transfer companies on its books.

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Prison Planet

It should hardly come as a surprise when a hard-core US socialist comes out with demands that his socialist peers in Greece be bailed out by none other than the Federal Reserve:in fact, it does show why while so many quasi-socialists hate when the Fe

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Following the ECB meeting last week, news headlines summarized the initial market response with titles such as, 'Markets rally as ECB bond buying plan exceeds all expectations'.

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Studies show that the business cycle was less volatile before the Federal Reserve was born. The presence of the Fed means that the implicit backing of the Fed allows excess leverage, and this has resulted in bigger and bigger collapses...

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The Swiss have backed out of this system. Will others follow, or will the rest of the world follow the Russians and Chinese governments into new monetary arrangements and simply turn their backs on the corrupt and irredeemable West?