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A lot of people all over the world are having opinions now about the ostensibly gigantic $13 billion settlement Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase have entered into with the government. The general consensus from most observers in the finance sector

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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For Deloitte, the song goes like this: Do the crime, pay the fine, the firm does no time, survive and thrive. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board censured Deloitte & Touche LLP yesterday and imposed a $2 million civil penalty against the

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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So the question for Americans then, should be this: do you want to live in a nation – and world – which is defined by the decision to wage a global campaign of terror upon multiple nations and regions, and tens of thousands of people around the world

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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It's assumed that hip hop moguls like P-Diddy, Jay Z, and Dr. Dre have long ago sold their souls for riches, but it's rarely done in public. The Devil remains concealed and the artist can plausibly deny that he's sold out. But recently, in the cle

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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With the recent release of the documentary film “Take Back Your Power” by Josh del Sol, the conversation surrounding the risks of Smart Meters has escalated to an entirely new level. This may very well be the catalyst that causes this global issue to

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Upon the death of its mortgagor, the hulking beast that is Wells Fargo blindly slouched toward foreclosure heedless of the fact that it had sold an accidental death insurance policy to the mortgagor. The decedent’s personal representative, filed a co

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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As the federal government shutdown continues, Secretary of State John Kerry heads to Asia for secret talks on a sweeping new trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is often referred to by critics as "NAFTA on steroids," and would establ

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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A few weeks ago, I wrote a feature on pension reform in states like Rhode Island for Rolling Stone. Since the piece was sharply critical of alternative investments like hedge funds, I expected a heated response, and got one right away. In fact, a ser

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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“Sorkin is wrong about incentives and quite wonderfully wrong,” Black told Corporate Crime Reporter in an interview last week. “The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission emphasizes that the belief in self correcting markets was prevalent throughout the

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Across the country, using the false premise that the borrowers are responsible for this mess, many courts, the media, government and law enforcement are creating false settlements, admitting that the bankers have been and still are misbehaving but al

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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"You don't have to know Jeremy to help, you just have to care" WHO IS JEREMY HAMMOND? Jeremy Hammond is a gifted young computer programmer facing a decade in prison. His crime? Leaking information from the private intelligence firm Strategic Fo

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Amnesty International USA issued the following comments today from Steven Hawkins, executive director, upon learning of the death of Herman Wallace in Louisiana: 'Today is a very sad day for the family and friends of Herman Wallace and for those

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Corporations constitute the most powerful force in society. Their influence has seeped into our classrooms, our newsrooms, our entertainment systems, our consciousness and crucially into our politics. Big money buys access to lawmakers. For sheer arr

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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You read that headine right. By at least one estimate, in 2010 there was a total of $12 trillion in cash tied up (at risk) in derivatives as defined above, all of which controlled contracts connected to assets valued at $1.2 quadrillion

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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