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URGENT MEMO: The current U.S. President has chosen to meet outside of government law, possibly selling off additional parts of the nation’s sovereignty – to men in suits who are more than ready to capitalize on the current US budget crisis.

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Global Tel*Link profits off love, charging prisoners as much as $17 for a 15-minute phone call. Tell the FCC to set prices families can afford. #prisonprofiteers This video is part of the Prison Profiteers series p

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Michael Tellinger shares an extract from his full 2-hour presentation at the Global Breakthrough Energy (BEM) Conference in Holland during November 2012. IThis is part of his continued research into the origins of humankind, the vanished civilisation

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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So what does this mean for investors? Well, as they found out this month, central banks can spring surprises. It is therefore best to try to figure out what will prompt central bankers to change their minds. Understanding their ‘reaction function’ an

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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O’Bagy is now disgraced, after it was revealed that her opinions on the rebels are not exactly objective since she was part of a pro-Syrian rebel lobbying group and often did not disclose this fact to people seeking her counsel on how awesome the reb

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Now a third AIG executive enters the pantheon of tone-deaf AIG bigwigs: CEO Robert Benmosche, who just told the Wall Street Journal that the post-crash public outcry over the use of bailout money to pay bonuses to executives in Cassano's Financial P

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Banking executives and regulators say that with the current compensation structure and a lack of capital backing for certain financial products, the U.S. financial system is still on shaky ground, even half a decade after the crisis of 2008. The disc

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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‘Bono’s positioning of the west as the saviour of Africa while failing to ­discuss the harm the G8 nations are doing has undermined campaigns for justice and accountability.’

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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I know it may not surprise you that banks may be screwing homeowners in light of their past bad and illegal tactics in foreclosing home loans. However, in light of the fact that five of the largest banks agreed in a settlement in 2012 to end their d

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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A SENIOR United States banker has been charged with the brutal rape of an Irish J1 student in the bathroom of a luxury home in New York.Jason Lee, who is a managing director of the leading investment banking firm Goldman Sachs, appeared in a US court

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The thing is, for all its excesses, Mr. Catyanker's piece does reflect an attitude you see pretty often among Rand devotees and Road To Serfdom acolytes. Five whole years have passed since the crash, and there are still huge pockets of these Fountai

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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We will have to see if the CFTC sticks to its guns or JPMorgan once against gets a pass on its predatory and parasitic activity. The London Whale trade comes after the passage of DoddFrank so maybe it is not enough to merely rewrite the laws – perhap

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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All of this spells dark times for the future of the republic. On September 20, 2008, at the height of the crisis, Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, and then the 74th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, did not merely request immunity for action

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Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone magazine has reported that media company Thomson Reuters has been providing sensitive market information to certain financial institutions before everyone else, allowing them to front run the markets. Now joining us

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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Not so fast. According to a new report by Credit Suisse, you might be better off eating a doughnut than some of the stuff marketed as healthy. Here are nine surprising foods that have more sugar than a Krispy Kreme doughnut, which, at 10 grams, seems

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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In August 2012, when isolating one of the various reasons for the latest housing bubble, we suggested that a primary catalyst for the price surge in the ultra-luxury housing segment and the seemingly endless supply of "all cash" buyers (standing at

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan