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Palestine -- Israel

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Norman Finkelstein clarifies Israel's invasion of Gaza December '08 was a one-sided war, disproportionate use of force, crime against humanity, a disgrace. He relies on Goldstone Report, among others, and testimony of Israeli soldiers. At the Brech

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Let there be no mistake: President Obama’s attack on Israel’s right to govern in eastern Jerusalem has nothing to do with American national interests, and nothing to do with a “peace process.” Other American leaders may have disagreed with Israeli po

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I was very disappointed to read that your organization thinks that HB 1388 has anything at all to do with Hamas. It doesn't. What the bill actually is "Mandatory Volunteerism" of this great nation's children between the ages of 18-25. Of co

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Daily Telegraph

ISRAEL admitted that in the 1990s, its forensic pathologists harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without their families' permission. Huge controversy over an allegation that Israel was killing Palestinians to harvest their orga