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Economy - International

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Somewhere in China, an economist lost his job today… it was the poor guy who had been predicting manageable levels of inflation despite rapid headline GDP growth and even more rapid monetary expansion.

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Wall Street Journal Blog

Egypt’s central bank Tuesday said it intervened to support the pound after recent political unrest sent the currency to its lowest level in six years against the dollar. “Yes we did intervene,” Hisham Ramez, the deputy governor of the Egyptian centra

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I think increasing one’s self-reliance is the better answer to reducing dependence on the system– this could mean a lot of things: having a second residence in a more stable place overseas; installing solar paneling; storing extra food and water; div

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Vali Nasr, in his outstanding new book “Forces of Fortune,” shows that Qutb was at least half wrong. Globalization, free trade and market economics aren’t a threat to Islam per se. What they are a threat to is the totalitarian vision of Islam that Qu

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Japan and the United States faced new pressure to confront their swollen budget deficits as the IMF and rating agencies demanded more evidence they can bring their public debts under control. The G7's 2 biggest economies needed to spell out credible

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I had a rather interesting meeting last night with a notable Chilean attorney who is the chief legal counsel of one of the country’s largest telecom firms. We talked about the growth of the local economy and the lengths to which the government here i

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Most people have never heard of Lee Kuan Yew… but he’s an incredibly important figure in one of the world’s most cutting-edge economies. As Singapore’s first prime minister, he governed for 3 decades, overseeing his country’s transformation into a m

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The World's Biggests

In economics, hyperinflation is inflation that is very high or "out of control". While the real values of the specific economic items generally stay the same in terms of relatively stable foreign currencies, in hyperinflationary conditions the gen

News Link • Global Reported By Veljko Rauski
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Spain plans to pour billions more euros into its troubled savings banks and force them to be more open about their lending practices, people familiar with the matter said, an acknowledgment that previous efforts to fix the banks have fallen flat as t

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no place is perfect… and in these tumultuous times which I call the ‘Age of Turmoil,’ no country is going to be completely immune to the looming problems which face the world, namely rising prices and resource shortages.

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Laos is a small, landlocked economy in Southeast Asia that’s often overlooked in favor of its neighbors: Thailand, China, and even Cambodia. But there are a few important factors that set Laos apart and lead me to believe that, when it comes to infla