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Radio/TV • Economy - Economics USA
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Charles Goyette - Economy / Matthew Wagner - Zeitgeist Movement - Unanswered Questions

Charles Goyette - New York Times bestselling author joins Ernest in studio to talk about the Economy / Matthew Wagner - Zeitgeist Movement - Unanswered Questions
Media Type: Audio • Time: 40 Minutes and 16 Secs
Guests: Charles Goyette
Topics: Economics
Media Type: Audio • Time: 40 Minutes and 18 Secs
Guests: Matthew Wagner

Hour 1 - 3

Media Type: Audio • Time: 40 Minutes and 16 Secs
Guests: Charles Goyette
Topics: Economics
FreedomsPhoenix Newsletter: Morning Dispatch - Afternoon Dispatch
Charles Goyette - New York Times bestselling author joins Ernest in studio to talk about the Economy

Charles spoke on behalf of the 10th Amendment Center at the Nullify Now Tour in Phoenix last Saturday.

Author: "The Dollar Meltdown"

Hour 2

Media Type: Audio • Time: 40 Minutes and 18 Secs
Guests: Matthew Wagner
Matthew Wagner - works at NOECA, The Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association. There he works with over 40 school districts in his area and has some insights into the education field / industry from a teaching and technology perspective.
Matthew is the Ohio Chapter Organizer for the Zeitgeist Movement 

What do I do for the movement? I do what every member does which is advocate a resource based economy by sharing these ideas with others. I continue to educate myself and others in this area and in critical thinking. The structure of the movement is broken up into “chapters”. These chapters are in tiered levels. International, National, State / Provence, and Regional / City. They are not a leadership role as we have no leaders, but are in place to help facilitate communications around the globe. As a coordinator for the Ohio Chapter I gather information across the state and send these communications where they need to go. I also relay information from the US level down to the regional level.
The resource based economic system is typically far outside what most people have thought about in their mind. It takes a lot of study and time to get a full understanding of many of these topics. When people hear these ideas they relate them to ideas they are familiar with, but because it is so alien these links cause people to misunderstand or make false correlations / assumptions to these concepts. The more time and effort a  person has put into these studies breaks down these false connections and they therefore have a better understanding. I would classify myself as having a better grasp of these concepts then  about 98% of our 500,000 zeitgeist members.
Previous interview with Sharleen B. 

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Bill Coburn
Entered on:

I think the talk show host did an effective job of distorting the central issues and trying to understand specifics without understanding the general framework.  This is the same thing that happens in biology class where they start talking about the intricacies of cellular biology without first understand the basics of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

Applying the scientific method to social concerns is not at all difficult.  I would think a Libertarian would see this as a good thing, being as objective as subjective beings can be.  The big question I have is if the line of questioning presented by the radio host purposeful or simply ignorant?  It sounds to me that he was framing the debate based upon current paradigms.  A Resource Based Economy is only partly based upon of current paradigms.  A local distribution network based on demand is exactly what we do with virtually every commodity and service.  What could be more free than a complete lack of governance unrelated to natural law?  Automation increases freedom but with it comes a price: structural unemployment due to technological unemployment. With this comes the inability to keep cyclical consumption going.

The current system is wasteful.  The current system is obsolete.  The trend is irreversable.  These are not very controversial statements.  I'll take an example where anyone can understand, Netflix.  Netflix is a company that has economized and revolutionized the way we watch movies.  No more need to go to video store, your selections are tracked and it's entirely effiicient.  No more endless discs, cases and posters to advertise as it can all be replicated through technology.

Now, we have a lot of problems in the world and all of these problems have solutions.  The operating constaing is money.  Thirty four thousand people die every day due to hunger, not because there is not enough food to feed everyone but because of a lack of enough money to *purchase* it all.  Distribution is not a problem, we have the technology to do it.  It's just cost prohibitive to do it.  How many times do we say, "...if money were no object."  Furthermore, I think the obsessive need for 'private property' is a direct result of the artifice of scarcity.  Real scarcities do exist which is exactly why we need to do a full audit of our finite resources and have computers track the allocation.  That is not a scary concept, that's just good Systems Management.  Most concerns can be handled locally which logistically makes more sense and wastes less time and energy on transportation.  So this is not a NWO/One World Gov't sort of wacked out conspiracy.  Just using common sense and trying to presere what we have.  What is it going to matter how much artificial debt we rack up for our grandkids is going to matter if there aren't the resources in the future to enable them to survive to begin with?

If this host has questions, I have answers.  However, I wouldn't let him frame the debate so much.  I'd be accomodating but we can do this through e-mail if he is genuinely interested in answers.

Comment by Nick Saorsa
Entered on:

I'm convinced that there is not one person that actually understands resource based economies enough to explain them on the radio. I get what it is. It sucks, its a horrible idea... There is not one person that can explain it to Ernie... its been like 4 or more interviews about this crap, and each time the "expert" is no expert at all.

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