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Economy - International

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The European banking system is in crisis, says Hendry. The hedge fund manager went on BBC Newsnight to play pessimist against Jeffrey Sachs, an economist from Columbia University. Of course the two get into a fight. It's awesome.

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This thing can blow up in our faces any moment now, with one fire igniting another across countries and within them. There’s just too many people falling by too many waysides, and too many of them will very simply not go gently into that night...

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The grand experiment of the State controlling the private economy has failed. The grand experiment was to eliminate capitalism (risk, loss, destruction of wealth via competition) from "Capitalism" and thus banish competitors to the Plutocratic Elites

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YouTube via Boing Boing

Australia's brilliant political satire team of Clarke and Dawe do a great job here in exposing the fundamental and terrifying ridiculousness of the Euro debt-crisis and the world's teetering economic state.

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Six weeks of vacation a year. Retirement at 60. Thousands of euros for having a baby. A good university education for less than the cost of a laptop. The system known as the European welfare state was built after World War II as the keystone of a

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Asian stock markets slid on Friday as worries about the euro zone and the flare-up in market volatility prompted investors to sell shares and keep cash until calm returns. Trading was choppy in foreign exchange markets as the euro bounced back aga

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The Value of Pre-Euro Currencies The European Union’s single currency continued to slump, despite a $1 trillion rescue loan package, as traders and investors remained skeptical about the fiscal strength of euro zone members like Greece and Por

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The fact is that I've been seeing deterioration in the stock market ever since early-April, and this in the face of improving business news. The D-J Industrial Average is composed of 30 internationally known top-quality blue-chip stocks.

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Isn't it interesting that the European version of a stimulus package isn't being touted as a "jobs creation package" or an "economy saving" idea? No - the leader of Germany, Angela Merkel says, We have done nothing more than to buy ti

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Where do bad debts go after they die? On Monday, investors seem to have convinced themselves that they just disappeared…like Amelia Earhart or TARP funds. But by Tuesday, they began to worry about ghosts.

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This is now playing out before our eyes. Club Med governments have built up €7 trillion sovereign debt under the cover of monetary union, which shut down the warning signals for borrowers and creditors alike. We are now near – or beyond...