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Political Theory

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

The difference between the crimes of the Dumb Bell Eight on one hand, and the actions of the average politician, political appointee or state hanger-on on the other, is a difference of degree, not of kind. It’s a distinction of appearance.

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The Real News

Lou Dobbs, an anchor at CNN for 27 years has resigned from the network. Why did Lou Dobbs actually resign? Several weeks earlier pro Illegal alien amnesty groups began spreading rhetoric about Dobbs trying to get him fired. The group also fomented ha

News Link • Global Reported By The Real News
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Strike the Root / Tzo

Freeman finds himself within the borders claimed by a government. This human being decides he does not want to participate in the government organization anymore, so he quits. He then finds a nice plot of "public" property and claims it as his own.

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Jaya's Blog

Public choice in economic theory is the use of modern economic tools to study problems that are traditionally in the province of political science. Public choice looks at governments from the perspective of the bureaucrats and politicians in them.

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Existence in America is driven by certain myths. Myths are dangerous things to base one’s life upon, for while they usually germinate from the seeds of truth, they come to metastasize into rootless species, multiplying at a rate which guarantees thei

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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Lew Rockwell

If Buckley betrayed the libertarianism he had learned from Nock, he showed himself an apt pupil of his other mentors. Like Meyer, he was willing to risk nuclear annihilation to overthrow communism: better dead than red.

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

“Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato.” Mussolini’s dream is the end state toward which all schemes of coercive government inexorably pull the societies they afflict.

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Dr. Robert owens

Even the Founders, a grouping singular in the history of men concerning the brilliance of their intellects and the purity of their motives knew they couldn’t trust themselves to form or maintain a government of fallible men to rule over fallible men.

News Link • Global Reported By Robert Owens
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By Chris Hedges,

Noam Chomsky is America’s greatest intellectual. His massive body of work, which includes nearly 100 books, has for decades deflated and exposed the lies of the power elite and the myths they perpetrate. Chomsky has done this despite being blackliste

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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Robert Ringer

In my article ”Saying Yes to the Party of No,” I commented on how pleased I’ve been to see Glenn Beck talking about a subject I’ve been writing about since the late seventies: a government-declared state of emergency leading to a ”temporary” dictator

News Link • Global Reported By Ken Demyen
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Liberty Conspiracy / Citizen X

Join Citizen X as he explores the history of the U.S. Constitution from a skeptic's perspective.

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CNN Political Analyst Roland Martin writes: "Channel your inner Al Capone and go gangsta against your foes. Let 'em know that if they aren't with you, they are against you, and will pay the price." Word to yo muthaf*ckin' Mama....Bizzatch!

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C4SS / Alex R. Knight III

The ideals Obama has in mind are bred of Washington’s of old: the arrogant domination of others’ lives and property under threat of lethal violence in order to advance the self-serving agenda of the State.

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Fr33 Agents / Jim Davidson

Why does the state fail? Was it not founded with the consent of the governed to secure the rights to life, liberty, and property? The short answer is no, and because the answer to the second question is no, the state cannot possibly succeed.

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

What’s your priority: Building that society for yourself and with others who want to live in it? Or waging an eternal battle to seize monopoly power and impose your unrealized vision on everyone?

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On Tuesday, Matt Drudge ran a headline about the weakening U.S. dollar on his website, In and of itself, that would be unremarkable, except that it was the 18th time Drudge had posted a link to a story about the weak dollar this mon

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Since resigning as governor, Sarah Palin has essentially gone dark, making almost no public appearances and successfully avoiding the media outlets that are clamoring to talk to her. But that doesn’t mean Palin has been quiet.

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David Galland

Tim Geithner, the Goldman Sachs Secretary of the Treasury, has gone on record as saying that the government will withdraw its $3 trillion backstop guarantee from the money market fund industry, on schedule, this September 18.

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The government that is supposed to serve the people, is now telling the people how they should vote, and using the people's money to do so! What country are we living in again?

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Denke
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Examiner / Kent McManigal

Government is malignant. You can't allow even a tiny bit to remain without the certainty of it spreading again. How much cancer is the best amount to give yourself? How much cyanide do you think is best to add to your food?

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

The dirty little secret of “majority rule” is that it’s no such thing. Rather we are governed by (usually) “representatives” chosen by a majority of a minority, in most cases plausibly representing no more than 25-30% of the population.

Article Image / Karl Meyer

[Nonviolence] is a way of life based on these human beliefs: Human conflicts can be resolved without violence or force; organized social aggression can be faced and turned back effectively without war and without killing anybody; most crime problems can be addressed more effectively without the use of violent methods or punishment or restraint; people well-educated in the use of nonviolent methods will almost always be more effective in human relations than those who use physical threats and weapons.

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C4SS / Thomas L. Knapp

If there’s any basis in fact whatsoever for the idea of a “social contract,” it’s that: You only get to be part of society if you keep your hands out of other people’s pockets and off other people’s throats.  

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