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Political Theory

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Many government officials are very concerned about the lack of taxing on the internet. If they create a permanent moratorium on taxing the internet then we we won't be able to tax it forever. This scares them. The government knows they are goi

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Ron Paul violated one of the most consistently observed rules of American political life in the GOP debate in South Carolina the other night: government officials are never, ever to level with the American population. The people are to be endlessly f

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Here is a nice list of the writings of Ron Paul archived by subject. What Ron Paul thinks of the how the government responded to Katrina, how to get out of IRAQ. Hate crime, Gun Control, Supporting the troops, Federal Reserve. Get a very useful t

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Larken Rose Many liberals argue that, while there really are nasty tyrants around the world, Republican politicians like war only because it preserves their interests or gives them power in other ways. Meanwhile, many conservatives believe that Demo

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Atlantic Free Press

(Not sure of headline) Juan Cole tells the grieving American public, rightly, that "the Iraqis have two Virginia Tech-style attacks every single day." American's don't give a damn!

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Mises Institute

Where the paleoconservatives embraced small government and the strictures of the US Constitution in many areas, the neocons embraced positivism, and higher spending on "services." The paleoconservatives, in what they believed to be

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Bob Altemeyer's - The Authoritarians

OK, what’s this book about? It’s about what’s happened to the American government lately. It’s about the disastrous decisions that government has made. It’s about the corruption that rotted the Congress. It’s about how traditional conservatism has...

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By September 1787 a brand new Constitution was hammered out in order to form the more perfect union the founders were looking for. However, they were still extremely concerned that even the Constitution gave way too much power to government official

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Barefootsworld(Thomas J. Norton)

Here's the entire 323 book written by Mr. Norton, and the abuses of the Constitution as of 1950. Imagine for a moment if he were alive today, the volumes and volumes he would have to write about now in 2006. Enjoy!!

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Boston Globe(Charlie Savage)

In July 1987, then-Rep. Dick Cheney, the top Republican on the committee investigating the Iran-contra scandal, turned on his hearing room microphone and delivered, in his characteristically measured tone, a revolutionary claim.

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American Conservative

Since its inception, The American Conservative has been dealing with questions of what Right and Left mean in the modern context and to what extent the terms even apply anymore. Commentary memorably took up similar issues in a 1976

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Deanna Spingola

When are Americans going to wake up and “Stop being good Democrats.” and “Stop being good Republicans.” and “Start being good Americans”?
