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Drug War

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Chicago Sun Times / Fran Spielman

Ald. Freddrenna Lyle said Thursday she joined her colleague, Ald. Helen Shiller, in sandbagging the plastic bag ban at this week's City Council meeting because it would "criminalize legal conduct."

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Atlanta Journal Constitution / Steve Visser

Jack Killorin said his agents are rolling up drug-trafficking organizations. He credits last year's spike in area burglaries, robberies and car thefts in part to criminals forced to pay more for their illicit drugs.

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Lincoln Journal Star

A legislative bill that would make Salvia divinorum an illegal drug in Nebraska has little chance of passage during the last six weeks of the legislative session. Lincoln Police on Monday made a Salvia bust anyway.

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Raw Story / AP

Legislators, so-called, are concerned that the inexpensive and easy-to-obtain plant could become the next marijuana. Eight states have already placed restrictions on salvia, and 16 others are considering a ban or have previously.

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The New York Times

Despite Denver voters electing to decriminalize certain amounts of the posession of Marijuana in 2005, the amount of arrests for pot-related offenses in the city have increased dramatically since the law passed.

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Sun Times / Fran Spielman

Ald. Robert Fioretti persuaded the Health Committee to ban possession of "self-sealing plastic bags under two inches in either height or width," after picking up 15 bags on a recent stroll through a park. [$1,500 fine!]

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YouTube / MarijuanaPolicyPosse

The first video in the Short Cuts Documentary Series that ask the question: why is marijuana illegal? [Google "Drug WarRant" and read the answer in the top left corner of Pete Guither's blog]

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During this checkpoint stop, a Homeland Security K-9 handler ran his specially trained drug sniffing dog 360 degrees around my vehicle at the same time the stopping agent demanded I roll down my window and state my citizenship.

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The Libertarian Enterprise

A serious effort to stamp out illegal immigration in this country would face much the same problems—and, for the power-hungry, offer the same opportunities, as the war on (some) drugs has provided....

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Rockford Register Star

Are people really afraid of legalizing marijuana? I cannot understand why it is such a crazy idea to let people consume cannabis. People can get drunk all they want, and humanity keeps moving right along. Of course, there was a time when the country

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The acting Killian police chief allegedly traded firearms for narcotic pain pills with undercover agents to help his wife, according to an affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Baton Rouge on Thursday.

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National Post

On January 21, 2008, an extradition hearing will begin in Vancouver for Marc Emery, Canada’s pre-eminent activist for the legalization of marijuana. Marc has been charged in the U.S. with conspiring to manufacture and distribute marijuana, and conspi

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Mises Institute

There I stood at the pharmacy counter, with a head cold, sniffing away, and begging for some product that contains pseudoephedrine, which works like a magic nose unclogger. The stuff you can get off the shelf now contains the similar-sounding drug ca