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Drug War

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USA Today

When San Diego Chargers defensive back Terrence Kiel was charged last month with illegally shipping cases of prescription cough syrup back home to East Texas, it cast a spotlight on a drug trend authorities say is spreading throughout the South and b

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Levy County's public libraries are struggling to get books checked out or reshelved because retirees who usually handle many of those chores have refused requirements that they "pee in a cup" as part of a mandatory drug test for all cou

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A Pima, Ariz. couple has stepped down as leaders of a church that considers marijuana a sacrament and deity. Dan and Mary Quaintance say pending federal charges against them have made it impossible to properly lead the church.

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Asia Times

As Hand in Glove, a new study by the Chiang Mai-based Shan Herald Agency for News demonstates, Myanmar's army, the Tatmadaw, has been a good friend of the drug trade for years. This probably explains why Myanmar

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Reno Gazette-Journal

A dozen Norther Nevada religious leaders plan to announce today they support the initiative to legalize marijuana. "I know of no place else in the country where a group of religious leaders is coming together to speak with a unified voice with

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U.S. customs officials will still seize prescription drugs imported from Canada through the mail but will hand over enforcement to federal health officials in a policy reversal that one lawmaker said would benefit consumers seeking cheaper medicines.

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USA Today

[How generous.] Americans could buy and carry home prescription drugs from Canada under an agreement reached between Republicans. Customs agents would be prohibited from seizing up to 90-day supplies of prescribed medicines brought across the border.

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International gangs fill void after cops crack down on makeshift home labs. Price said the shift has made the drug so abundant that distributors now commonly "front" up to 2 pounds of ice to street dealers on credit.

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More than 98 percent of all of the marijuana plants seized by law enforcement in the United States is feral hemp not cultivated cannabis, according to newly released data by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

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San Francisco Chronicle

The discovery of 22,740 marijuana plants growing in and around Point Reyes National Seashore last week wasn't only the biggest pot seizure ever made in Marin County. It was an enviromental mess that will take several months and tens of

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USA Today

[After decades of destroying the lives of patients and doctors] Patients who use powerful narcotic painkillers such as OxyContin or hyperactivity drugs such as Ritalin will be able to get up to a 90-day supply of the drugs, rather then just a one-mon

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Colorado media outlets are roundly criticizing an effort by DEA officials to spend taxpayers' dollars and use paid staff time to campaign against Amendment 44, "the Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative." Correspondences from DEA o

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The government's anti-drug campaign has not been proven to deter children from using drugs, and lawmakers should consider reducing funding for the $1.2 billion program, congressional auditors said Friday. (How about ending it, along with the war

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LEAP needs more attention. This is an organization of 5,000 current and former law enforcement officials who recognize the failure and the damage effected by the war on drugs. And it has grown to 5,000 from just five founding members a few years ago.

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London Times

BRITAIN’S attempts to counter heroin traffickers may have provided Iran with the opportunity to supply Hezbollah with British military equipment. Around 250 sets of military night vision equipment sent to Tehran from Britain appear to have been pa

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NY Times

[The Bush Years.] The latest chapter in America’s long war on drugs — a six-year, $4.7 billion effort to slash Colombia’s coca crop — has left the price, quality and availability of cocaine on American streets virtually unchanged.

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Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels up by more than 40% from 2005 despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money. Serious repercussions for an already grave security situation, with drug lords joining the Taliban-led fight

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Seattle Times

The classified-advertising Web site craigslist has become popular in recent years with the young seeking apartments, jobs and for-sale items. But it's also being used as an Information Age black market for some Seattle-area marijuana dealers.

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Joseph White's home office is like a modern-day hippie hangout. Books on Buddhism and yoga, an acoustic guitar rests next to a shuffle of sheet music for "Mr. Tambourine Man." And then there are the marijuana stalks. Towering six-footer
