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Drug War

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The Raw Story

Originally, I thought Barry Cooper was some kind of attention-grabbing blowhard. I was wrong. He is the real deal and he teaches people about exercising their liberties.

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NY Times

Sgt. David Azuelo stepped gingerly over the specks of blood on the floor, took note of the bullet hole through the bedroom skylight, raised an eyebrow at the lack of furniture in the ranch-style house and turned to his squad of detectives investigati

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When the planes arrived loaded with cocaine, it was Guinea's presidential guard that secured the cargo. Drug deals were conducted inside the first lady's private residence and in the president's VIP salon at the international airport. To

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Drug Warrant

A last-minute debate on Friday's Larry King Live featuring, on the side of the people, Congressman Ron Paul, and on the side of prohibition, actor Stephen Baldwin. [?]


Submitted legislation would impose $98-per-ounce tax on cannabis.“House Bill 3247 would direct the state to establish and operate a marijuana production facility,” reported Oregon’s KGW-TV. “The state would control potency and pharmacy distribution.”

News Link • Global Reported By War Onyou
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Drugs are money and all that it buys. We put drug entrepreneurs outside of our then liberal legal framework... so they adapted and operated by the old fashioned rules of Feudalism.

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Reality Catcher

After 72 years of the debate being controlled by those who've made it a taboo to even talk about the subject, it's time to tell the truth about marijuana. Why are the anti-pot forces so scared of an open discussion?

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Elliott
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East Valley Tribune

When it comes to foreign affairs, Americans are used to debating progress or setbacks in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or on the Israeli invasion last month of the Gaza Strip. We’re used to thinking about death and destruction thousands of miles

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The Agitator

Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but it seems that in this column, weathered culture warrior Pat Buchanan nearly calls for an end to the war on drugs: How does one win a drug war when millions of Americans who use recreational drugs are financing the ca

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NY Times

The State Legislature took pivotal steps on Wednesday toward repealing much of what remains of the state’s 1970s-era drug laws, which have tied judges’ hands and required them to impose mandatory prison terms for many nonviolent drug offenses.

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Media Awareness Project

The sheriff of a dry NC county makes a beer run across state lines for some hot, thirsty workers. The workers were undercover narcotics officers executing a warrant on a marijuana grow house.

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Police said he used counterfeit money to purchase fake OxyContin pills from an undercover officer. Sheriff's deputies charged him with criminal conspiracy with schedule II drugs, forgery and criminal simulation.

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Hit men dressed in fake police tactical gear burst into a home in Phoenix, rake it with gunfire and execute a man. Armed kidnappers snatch victims from cars and even a local shopping mall across the Phoenix valley for ransom, turning the sun-baked ci


How can 38 years of the War on Drugs keep going when it failed to stop one single person from doing drugs? Why have 34 million people spent time behind bars for doing drugs and what good did it do? What about Michael Phelps sucking on a bong? Let*