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Article Image by Jeff Thomas

There's a well-known old fable that describes a frog being boiled alive. It states that if a frog is dropped in boiling water, it will hop out. But if it's placed in lukewarm water, it will be comfortable. Then, if the heat is turned up slowly, i

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Eric Peters Autos

Why is so much rhetoric, effort - and expense - put toward making vehicles "fuel efficient" when it would so easy (and inexpensive) to just make them lighter?

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Despite relentless propaganda and juicy threats of impending arrests, a new poll of Americans shows the January 6th "insurrection" hearings are not shifting any opinions on the event. Also today, US warns starving Africa not to buy food from Russia.

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Despite relentless propaganda and juicy threats of impending arrests, a new poll of Americans shows the January 6th "insurrection" hearings are not shifting any opinions on the event. Also today, US warns starving Africa not to buy food from Russia.

Article Image, by Ryan McMaken

In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, many pundits and politicians were eager to describe the events of that day a s a coup d'etat in which the nation was "this close" to having some sort of junta void the 2020 e

Article Image - Gary D. Barnett

Forgotten is the reality that all liberty has been destroyed, the economy is nearly ruined, slavery of the masses is rampant, threats to turn loose the armed IRS on every citizen not protected by government is being implemented, and more fake 'viru

Article Image, Russell Brand

Mis-information and dis-information. Who should be responsible for deciding what truth we're told?… We should leave that up to the Government, shouldn't we?