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In every case involving a trust, the original mortgage assignment to the trust was missing. Wells Fargo used Assignments prepared years later – most often within a few months of the foreclosure – and often prepared AFTER the foreclosure was filed.

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Judge Curley the head BK judge in Arizona just ruled minutes ago that the Bank of New York Mellon must produce the custodial records in their vault in a case against an Arizona homeowner, thereby producing the note and all other docs.

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If you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosure-Gate is about to explode.

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Prices are now off -6.8% from their August peak. It looks to me like the housing double dip is here and Ben Bernanke rolled out QE2 just in time to prepare for massive MBS purchases in 2011 when the banks hit another rough patch...

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Grocery store owners William and Esperanza Casco were making enough money to stay current on their mortgage, but when JPMorgan Chase & Co. offered a plan that reduced their payments, they figured they could use the extra cash and signed up. The Ca