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Lots of notes appear to have never been conveyed. When the MBS holders get their landsharks into this, the servicers and securitizers are screwed. Got it? Done, baked, cooked, finished.

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Did you know that in the aftermath of the Savings and Loan (Thrifts) scandal there were more than a thousand felony convictions of financial elites? The current sub-prime/mortgage-backed security scandal is 40 times bigger according...

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Our society did not "take steps" to hand out liar loans and other similar frauds. Homeowners and society as a whole did not design these schemes that were nothing more than asset-stripping frauds. The banks did this...

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Lenders knew by 2006 they were in the majority making loans to people who couldn't pay and continued to issue those loans - which means they were making loans for the purpose of inducing people not to borrow and pay but to borrow and default...

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Borrowers are being lured into loan mod scams where they are told that they have to be 2-3 months behind in payments before a loan mod will be considered, then when they make application, the foreclosure process has already started...

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Here is a fascinating graphic from the Washington Post about where in the US, by County, foreclosures have taken place, color coded by percentage. It is rather remarkable:

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NY Times

About a month after Washington Mutual Bank made a multimillion-dollar mortgage loan on a mountain home near Santa Barbara, Calif., a crucial piece of paperwork disappeared. But bank officials were unperturbed. After conducting a “due and diligent

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Many bloggers got wrapped up on the wrong issue about what "ForeclosureGate" and "Show Me The Note" means in practical terms. The answer is not much more than delays in the inevitable.

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NY Times

Two years after the Fed bought billions of dollars in mortgage securities as part of the financial bailout, its New York arm is questioning the paperwork — and pressing banks to buy some of the investments back.
