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Remember that old Eagle's tune about the bubble headed bleached blonde who comes on at five? She can tell you about the plane crash, with a gleam in her eye.

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The Guardian

In Back to the Future we had flying cars by 21 October 2015, but our transport still harks back to the last century. And that's because it's about people

Article Image, Sarah Kliff and Soo Oh

Some people collect stamps. Others gather rare baseball cards. Jonathan Melby and Angela Buffington, however, prefer to collect something quite different: traffic cameras.

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VW was the only major automaker selling affordable diesel powered passenger vehicles in the United States. You could, for instance, buy a diesel-powered Jetta sedan, Golf or Beetle for about $22k. Not anymore.

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The regulation by the state of the streets of London goes back to 1635. It began under King Charles I, who was a full-time tyrant, and whose life ended on the scaffold in 1649.