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Would you be interested in a brand-new, fully warranted, five-door crossover SUV built by a major, name-brand automaker that gave you 50-plus MPG with a gas (not diesel or hybrid) engine, that has a top speed around 125 mph,....

Article Image, By Eric Peters

The company may go the way of the Dodo because of brutal fines and crippling lawsuits and media demagoguery that's turning the VW brand into the automotive equivalent of NAMBLA.

Article Image, By Eric Peters

Well, there's good and bad news wafting upward from the immolation of Volkswagen over its now-public end-running of the EPA's preposterously over-strict emissions rigmarole (more about that here and – audio clip – here).

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This could kill VW – until recently (until last week) the world's largest car company.

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This could kill VW - until recently (until last week) the world's largest car company.

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This could kill VW - until recently (until last week) the world's largest car company. But unlike say the exploding Pinto fiasco this is not a story about defective cars. It is a story about defective public policy.
