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State driver's license stations all closed Monday, halting the issuance of any driver's licenses or identification cards and postponing the launch of a new, more secure system of issuing licenses until at least Wednesday.  The new system, designed to foil identity thieves and meet security challenges of the post-9/11 world, will cost the state $2.9 million in lease and setup costs this fiscal year.    [we'll update you as the traffic fatalities mount] 

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Your Auto Network

This billion dollar legislation passed so that we could help our environment. Needless to say, our study determined the ones who truly win. A MUST READ for consumers wanting to take advantage of this program

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Earlier this month, the House of Representatives voted 310-118 to keep the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from strip-searching passengers with millimeter-wave scanners at airport checkpoints. Screeners will grope us instead.
Millimeter-waves function like Superman’s X-ray vision, peering through your clothing to the body beneath. You don’t undress; the scanner does that for you. Meanwhile, screeners leering at the monitor and ostensibly checking for weapons can check you out instead.
Prisons have used millimeter-wave and similar technologies for years. No wonder the TSA, which frequently confuses passengers with prisoners, has tried since its beginnings in 2002 to push us into these pornographic scanners. But public outrage always stymied those efforts; there’s something unutterably creepy about government agents inspecting naked citizens. Michael Chertoff, then Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, finally growl

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NY Times

It is not every 31-year-old who, in a first government job, finds himself dismantling General Motors and rewriting the rules of American capitalism. Brian Deese, a not-quite graduate of Yale Law School who had never set foot in an automotive assembly plant until he took on his nearly unseen role in remaking the American automotive industry.

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If you’re part of the government/surveillance-complex in Arizona (the extensive collaboration of private companies corrupting law enforcement with the prospect of bucketfuls of money), it sure does seem like it’s hard to catch a break these days.

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A city such as Los Angeles was built out on a grid system with traffic moving to the grid edges in order to move on out to another such grid. The operative idea was to avoid congestion within the grid boundaries. Not a bad plan for a small town, but