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Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

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Photography Is Not a Crime

Twice in 2007, Robert Ekas flipped off police in Oregon for no apparent reason than to express his First Amendment right to do so. And twice he was pulled over. Now he is suing for violating his First and Fourth Amendment rights. He is representing h

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Mother Jones

Glenn Beck loves them. Tea Partiers court them. Congressmen listen to them. Meet the fast-growing "patriot" group that's recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration.

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Motor Home Diaries (h/t The Agitator)

Jason, Adam and myself are seeking to hold accountable those from the Jones County Sheriff’s Department and the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol that violated our rights on May 14th. Our awesome legal team recently submitted an intent-to-sue letter

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Photography Is Not A Crime

"However, several states have “stop and identify” statutes that require people to produce identifications if they are being legally detained. And police can only legally detain you if they have a reasonable suspicion you have committed or are about t

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NY Times

Lawyers defending 3 cops accused in a brutality case sought to blunt damage done by a fellow officer who had testified that he saw Officer Kern jab a baton between the buttocks of a 24-year-old body piercer who had been smoking marijuana

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3 unarmed security guards were following orders when they stood by without intervening as a 15-year-old girl was badly beaten in a downtown bus tunnel. Now the company they work for and government officials say those orders should be revised.

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Written By:

Listening to the discussion on 'more police' and would like to point out that those guys writing tickets are not acting as peace officers. They are highwaymen and revenue collectors. We have to get to political anarchy. Unfortunately the word has go

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Green Dragon Tavern - Keith Hamburger

With the announcement that Terry Maketa will not be running for sheriff it is time to look at what freedom lovers should be looking for in a candidate. The county sheriff is one of the most powerful people in the United States. As the chief law enfor

News Link • Global Reported By Keith Hamburger
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Pro Liberate

Any of us can experience state-inflicted violence at any time as a punishment for doing literally nothing, or by refusing to be bound by "contracts" arranged by other people in transactions to which he was not a party. A infuriating illustration of t

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Reason Magazine

"Andy Thomas has a reckless streak to him," says Clint Bolick, director of constitutional studies for the Goldwater Institute, Arizona's largest right-leaning think tank. "He's willing to use law enforcement tools in ways that are pretty blatant abus
