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IPFS News Link • Criminal Justice System

Witness: Former Ill. cop threatened to kill wife

• AP
Former police officer Drew Peterson threw his ex-wife to the floor one night, grabbed her throat and told her he "could kill her there and then," a one-time co-worker of the woman testified Tuesday at a hearing to determine what evidence can be admitted in Peterson's murder trial.

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Comment by Powell Gammill
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I posted this -- even though I do not like sensationalized murder cases generally -- because it dramatically illustrates the continuing disregard by legiscritters and judges of fundamental tenets of law.  

This cop may be pure evil.  He may have used his specialized  knowledge as a cop to skillfully murder people.  But the response outlined in this article of the state is frightening.

Hearsay evidence admitted into a court.  In fact, it appears to be the primary "evidence."  And the law that changed the previously inadmissible hearsay evidence was passed three years after this murder, and specifically targeted towards the accused (on another murder).  So we have hearsay admitted as primary evidence AND an ex post facto law being used in permitting it.

This cop may be a monster.  He may have successfully murdered several women.  But these sort of laws and procedures are always turned against everyone and very case as soon as they are established precedent. 

Hearsay is the tool of the Gestapo. 

Retroactive laws are to soothe the consciences of the "judges" whom knowingly violate fundamental tenets of western law.