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Police State

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Paul Levinson

As the mass media focused on Bloomberg and Lady Gaga in Times Square on New Year's Eve, a brave journalist with a camera-phone stood up to the NYPD and their attempt to violate the First Amendment rights of protesters in secret.

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Those who do not move cannot feel their chains. This morning in Suffolk county court, the ACLU of Massachusetts and our client moved. And we felt our chains. I had gone to court to listen to our legal team argue a case to protect the First Amendment

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Welcome to the new total security state. The U.S. government now has at its disposal a technological arsenal so sophisticated and invasive as to render any constitutional protections null and void. And these technologies are being used by the governm

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The execrable ancestor of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. Frederick Douglass protested, “Under this [Fugitive Slave] law the oaths of any two villains (the capturer and the claimant) are suffic
